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Home > Adaptive Music Lessions

Adaptive Music Lessions

Center of Development, Pediatric Therapies is now offering



For some students traditional music lessons may not be possible. That’s why adaptive music lessons are now being offered at Center of Development for children who have special needs or unique styles of learning. Adaptive music lessons are  similar to traditional music lessons, but  are individually designed and altered to be success-oriented and motivating. Adaptations may range from learning songs using colors and numbers, reading music notation and studying theory, free-play and improvisation or may include modifying the instrument or accessories themselves. Lessons are implemented in a way that maximizes the student's strengths and abilities, while stretching their weaknesses.  



Though the main goal of adaptive music lessons is learning and making music, the child may also build upon other skills in the process. Adaptive lessons help a student to build:

  • attention to task
  • hand-eye coordination
  • fine and gross motor skills
  • visual and auditory tracking
  • abstract information processing
  • self-discipline
  • accomplishment and self esteem
  • appropriate outlet emotional expression
  • appropriate sensory input or relaxation,
  • creativitiy and musicality,
  • other skills that may be cognitive or social in nature


Lessons are currently offered for: piano, guitar, voice, flute, and various percussion.

They are typically scheduled for a half-hour once per week. Cost is $17.50.


**Instruments are available for use during the lesson if necessary (with the exception of flute lessons), although it is strongly recommended that children obtain their own instruments to facilitate home practicing and maintain skills acquired. If parents are interested in purchasing instruments through the instructor, discounts may be available.**



About the Instructor

Jessica Willis, MT-BC, CCLS is a Board Certified Music Therapist and Certified Child Life Specialist with extensive professional experience working with children with different developmental abilities and special needs. She received her music degree with an emphasis in music therapy from Tennessee Technological University and completed her internship at Le Bonheur Children’s Medical Center in Memphis, TN providing services to hospitalized children. She brings a wealth of creativity to each lesson and therapy session using a variety of musical instruments and styles to address each individuals need.



To sign up or request more information about adaptive music lessons or

individual/group music therapy sessions, please contact:

                           Center of Development at (931) 372-2567, Toll-free (877) 372-2567 *
          or Jessica Willis at 1-888-38-SHINE, (888-387-4463) *

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