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Home > Therapeutic Listening Program > Using Colors with Non-Verbal and Low-Verbalization

Using Colors with Non-Verbal and Low-Verbalization

Ideas to help non verbal and low verbalization children transition:

  1. Use a red visual time timer to show how much time at each center.

  2. Teach that red means "stop", green means "go"- use pecs with these symbols and work boxes.

    Example: Green box on left means go when sitting (choice box), red box means (stop or all done)

    Another example: Hold up red stop sign or red index card when they are doing an activity that is not allowed, hold up a green one when it is a "go get it, do it" activity, hold up a yellow one when it is close to transition time.

  3. Next step is the therapist or parent wearing a bracelet with red, yellow, green beads. Slide the one that is appropriate up to communicate what is appropriate.

  4. Next, final step is to have the child wear it, and teacher, parent, therapist can show it on the child.

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